Creating a Bill of Landing


RailConnect eBOL is a Wabtec system allowing shippers to submit bills of lading electronically. eBOL is a web-based system with the ability to forward a bill of lading to any railroad using a single interface.


Many shippers repetitively send product to the same location. eBOL allows shippers to save shipping patterns to reduce time spent building bills of lading. Basic shipping information can be entered once then saved and accessed in the future when creating similar bills of lading.  

When customers use eBOL to enter their bills of lading, the information is automatically processed and routed to the appropriate system for distribution to other railroads. eBOL has the ability to send confirmation receipts via email and also allows shippers to check the status of the electronic data interchange (EDI). eBOL reviews the bill of lading prior to transmitting the information to any railroad for errors. If errors are found, the user is flagged prior to submission as to what needs to be corrected.

Contact Information

To gain access to eBOL, please contact the appropriate email address below or call 1-855-955-7245 and provide the name, email address and phone number of the person who needs access to eBOL. A request will then be sent to Wabtec who will generate and email a user ID and temporary password to the user.